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Critics | Arnon Ben-Dror Hosts Avi Pitchon for a Conversation about Art Criticism

July 2, 2020

Arnon Ben-Dror and Avi Pitchon

As part of the Gallery Weekend Tel Aviv 2020 events, RawArt Gallery hosted a discussion between art critics Avi Pitchon and Arnon Ben-Dor. 

Avi Pitchon has been writing about art since 1994, and from March 2019 publishes a weekly column reviewing art for Haaretz newspaper. His exhibition reviews often spark spirited commentary and discussions on social media platforms. This event sought to tansform the fierce virtual conversation to a fruitful and substantial one and to allow for a productive discussion around Pitchon’s notion of the role of the critic and writing about art.

The conversation was hosted at Iva Kafri’s solo show ADAMA.


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