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July 20 - September 02, 2023

Solo Show: Eitan Buganim

Gallery talk with the participation of the artist: Saturday, 19.8, 12:00


“Melancholia” consists of a series of 21 staged photographs – each of them attempts to translate a different melancholic dimension, addressing basic facts of life such as sunset, tears, change of generations, dying stars, and continues with abstract concepts and feelings such as estrangement, mourning, the passing of time and the light fading. While trying to trace the roots of sadness, the melancholic forces express themselves within the photographs in various degrees of abstractions and realism – direct manifestations, tamed kitsch, metaphors, symbolism, and surrealism – all very much exaggerated and dramatized.


Participants: Liran Shapiro, Lee Nevo, Adi Goldowski Talmor, Diana Kogan, Batia Sisai, Ariel Buganim, Rachel ben-Shimol, Sivan Reuven, Ore Cherbelis Hod, Yakira Ament, Ari Or-Zach, Omer Ohana, Noa Klagsblad, Yarden Chen, Tamar & Lea Katz, Yasmin Davis, Yocheved Ohayon, Roni Binder.




The exhibition is generously supported by Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts


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