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Keren Gueller

Born 1976 in Israel, lives and works in Tel Aviv.

Keren Gueller holds an M.F.A. degree from Bezalel, in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a B.ED. in art and art education from Ha'Midrasha - Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl Academic College. Participates in the Artport Residency Program for 2022 - 2021. Senior Lecturer in Art and Art Education at Ha'Midrasha - Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl Academic College.


Gueller works mainly in video, sculpture, and installation. Her works study human behavior and environment. The works deal with autobiographical content, simple rituals and daily activities, and, through the tension between the documentary and the staged, they explore, dismantle, and reassemble social structures and rituals.


Exhibited solo exhibitions at the Petah Tikva Museum of Art, RIKSTOLVAN Gallery in Sweden, RawArt Gallery, New Gallery Teddy Jerusalem Artists' Workshops, Hanina Gallery, Kav 16 Gallery, Haifa Museum of Art, Ramat Gan Museum of Art and more.


Her works have been exhibited in many group exhibitions, including the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Herzliya Museum, MOBY - Bat Yam Museum of Contemporary Art, SBCAST Santa Barbara California Gallery, the Israeli Center for Digital Art in Holon, the Berlin Video Art Festival, Ha'Midrasha Gallery, Basic Art Gallery and Shanghai-Tech University Gallery in China.


Gueller has won several grants and awards for excellence in art, such as the Osnat Mozes Award for Excellence, a Young Artist Award from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Sharett Foundation's Art Excellence Award for Encouraging Creativity by the America-Israel Cultural Foundation, and grants from the Council The Lottery for Culture and the Arts, from the New Film and Television Foundation, and from the Independent Creators Foundation of the Ministry of Culture. Gueller is currently participating in the Pais artists incubator at the University Gallery, Tel Aviv University.



2003-2005 MFA, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Tel Aviv, in cooperation with The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

1997-2001 B.Ed. with honors, Hamidrasha Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College, Beit Berl

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Wet Collection, The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv

2022 Wet Collection, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel, curated by: Maya Bamberger

2020 Florence Syndrome, Rikstolvan Gallery, Simrishamn, Sweden, curated by: Sandra Weil

2020 Persona Ficta, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Petach Tikva, curated by: Shlomit Breuer

2019 Coral, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Leah Abir

2019 Buffer, Hanina Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Yonatan H. Mishal

2019 Biome, The New Gallery Artists' Studios Teddy, Jerusalem, curated by: Tamar Gispan-Greenberg

2016 Florence Syndrom, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Leah Abir (Catalog)

2013 Untitled. Home, Kfar Saba City Gallery, Kfar Saba, curated by: Revital Segev

2011 Opus 24, Line 16 Community Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, curated by: Sally Haftel Naveh

2010 You Have 60 Seconds, Tmuna Theatre Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Maayan Amir

2008 Costume Party, The gallery, Kibbutz Beeri, curated by: Ziva Yellin

2007 I know what you threw last month, The Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, curated by: Ronit Milano

2006 Happy Holidays II, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, curated by: Tami Katz-Freiman

2002 Fischzang, Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, curated by: Simcha Shirman and Alona Friedberg

Group Exhibitions

2024 1+1= Together, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, curated by: Michal Broshi Nachmany

2023 Rewilding, Jaffa Museum, curated by: The Yona Fischer Certificate Program in Contemporary Curatorial and Museum Studies

2023 Protest, Resistence And Civil Disobedince in Israel, Museum On The Seam, curated by: Chen Shapira

2023 IN DOUBT, Agam Museum, curated by: Tal Bechler

2023 The Autonomous Art Biennale, Gymnasia Herzliya Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, curated by: Rolla Khoury and Sandra Weil

2023 Zumu Akko, Zumu, Akko

2023 In The Mind's Eye, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Dr. Tamar Mayer

2023 Zumo Acco, curated by: Milana Gitzin-adiram

2022 Nonfinito, artport, Tel Aviv, curated by: Vardit Gross

2021 We Hate Our Village 02 - Depressing Video Art from Israel, AD/AD - Project Space, Online Screening Event, curated by: Roy Menachem Markovich

2021 Reality, Perhaps Virtual, Contemporary Art Center Ramla, Ramla, curated by: Smadar Sheffi

2020 Texts, P8 Art Contemporary Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Lee Barbu and Sally Krysztal-Kramberg

2020 Desktop - Artists During COVID-19, The Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, curated by: Doron Rabina & Dalit Matatyahu

2019 Impersonating Myself / Becoming Myself, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, curated by: Shoshan Brosh-Vaitz and Zhang Fang

2019 Tabula Rasa, Ramat Israel Community Center, Tel Aviv, curated by: Oz Zloof

2019 Raw Art, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Maya Bamberger

2018 ZUMU, Mobile Museum, Arad

2018 Running in Circles, Parallel, Toronto

2018 Class Photo, Beit Ariela Library, Tel Aviv

2018 70/70/70, SBCAST: The Santa Barbara Center of Art, Science and Technology, Santa Barbara

2018 Life Owner, HaMidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv, curated by: Izabella Volovnik, Erez Uzanand and Maya Zehavi

2017 Everyday Stones, RawArt Gallery booth, Art Market Budapest

2017 ZUMU, Mobile Museum, Yeruham

2017 Talking Paper, Fresh Paint Art Fair, Hungarian Pavilion

2016 Kvutzatit (Group), Sukah Gallery, Tel Aviv

2016 Art School, The Helena Rubinstein Pavilion For Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv

2016 Color Separation, Basis Gallery, Basis Art School, Herzliya, curated by: Shlomit Breuer

2015 Next, Docoaviv Festival, Cinematheque, Tel Aviv

2015 Video Parking, Artplus Hotel, Tel Aviv

2015 PLASTER 3, Warehouse 2- Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv

2015 Levinsky, Artspace, Tel Aviv

2014 Opening, Hamidrasha Gallery, Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College, Tel Aviv

2014 Special Edition, Fresh Paint Art Fair, Tel Aviv

2013 Local Pulse, Tel Aviv Artists’ House, Tel Aviv

2013 Children's Talk, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

2013 Local Pulse, Zaritsky Artists' House, Tel Aviv

2013 Reference, Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012 Vacuum, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012 Working Class, Street Exhibition in the Loving Art, Making Art event, Tel Aviv

2012 Another Place, Reacting Danziger foreign works, Dana Art Gallery, Kibbutz Yad Mordechai

2012 Bristols, MoBY Museum of Contemporary Art, Bat Yam

2012 Salon Talks, Tel Aviv Artists’ House, Tel Aviv

2012 Shoukran, Chelouche Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012 Burning Chametz, Hamelacha Workshop Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012 Stage, City Gallery, Kfar Saba

2011 Disruptions, Street Exhibition in the Loving Art, Making Art event, Tel Aviv

2011 Household, Kibbutz Beeri; Kibbutz Urim; Tel Aviv

2011 Preview Berlin, International Video Exhibition, Berlin

2011 Singular Crossings, The Artists' Studios – Art Cube Gallery, Jerusalem

2011 Materials Exchange, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon

2010 Common Law, Minshar Gallery, Tel Aviv

2010 Houses: Failure and Stubbornness, 10 Musrara Mix Festival, Jerusalem

2010 Round - 01, Multi-disciplinary artists complex Art Factory, Bat Yam

2010 Ministry of Culture Award Winners Exhibition, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya

2009 Fresh Paint Art Fair - 02, Hatachana, Tel Aviv

2009 Ghost, Mani House, Tel Aviv

2009 Family Traces, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

2009 Such as the Family, "Lev Ha-ir", Basement, Herzliya

2009 Ho"lololo", P8 Gallery, Jaffa

2008 PostPop, The Israeli Cartoon Museum, Holon

2008 Twosidedness, International Video Exhibition, Kulturhuset, Stockholm

2008 Gift, P8 Gallery, Jaffa

2008 Close, Kalisher ,Contemporary Art Center, Tel Aviv

2007 The Rear, First Biennial of Contemporary Art, Herzliya

2007 New in the Collection, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod

2006 Mixed Emotions, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa

2006 What Turns a Bird to a Bird, Hagra 41 Art Gallery

2006 Haganzach Project, The Israeli Center of Digital Art, Holon

2006 Thoughts on Feminine Autobiography, Hamidrasha Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College, Tel Aviv

2005 May, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, M.F.A. Graduates Exhibition, Jerusalem

2005 Non-Stop Art, Tel Aviv Artists’ House, Tel Aviv

2005 Vacation, Rishon Letzion Cultural Center, Rishon Letzion

2003 Odem Festival, Video Art Program, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

2003 Open Studio, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Exhibition for the M.F.A. program, Jerusalem

2002 The Israeli Spirit, "Meimad" Studios, Tel Aviv

2002 Berlin, Video Art Festival, Berlin

Artist/Teacher, The Gallery, Oranim Academic College, Kiryat Tiv'on

Grants & Awards

2019 Independent Creators Grant, Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport

2018 Israeli Lottery Council foe Culture and Arts Grant for digital catalog,

2016 Grant for publication of an artist's book, Beit Berl Academic College

2016 Israeli Lottery Council for Culture and Arts Grant,

2016 Outstanding Lecturer Leading Innovation Award, “Hamidrasha” Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl Academic College

2014 Grant in producing experimental videos, New Fund for Cinema and Television

2012 Grant in producing experimental film "Children, dream, language", New Fund for Cinema and Television and "Logi channel"

2011 "Jesse Cohen Project", The Israeli Center for Digital Art

2009 Young Artist Award, Ministry of Culture and Sports art and design awards,

2008 Grant in producing experimental videos, "Advertisements breaks", New Fund for Cinema and Television

2007 "Close" Project, Tel Aviv municipality

2006-2007 Graduate Scholarship in Art, America Israel cultural foundation

2005 Scholarship for Art Education, Bezalel Program

2003 Scholarship for Art Education, The Hebrew University

2001 Osnat Moses Scholarship for Excellence in the Arts, ”Hamidrasha”, Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College

2000 Scholarship for Excellence in educational achievements, ”Hamidrasha”, Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl Academic College

1999 Scholarship for Excellence in education and teaching, ”Hamidrasha”, Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl Academic College

Residencies & Fellowships

2021-2022 Artport Residency,


2022, Exhibition Review, Portfolio, 25.06.22, (Heb)

2022 Naama Riva, Exhibition Review, Haaretz, 24.05.22, (Heb)

2022 Daniel Milman, Ubiquitous Monsters, Erev Rav, 07.07.2022, (Heb)

2020 Hagay Hacohen, The bat who fought the emperor - The Art of Keren Gueller, The Jerusalem Post, 5.2.2020, (En)

2020 Naama Riba, Have you heard about the bats that nearly burned down Japan? Now they're in Petach Tikva, apparently, Haaretz, 4.2.2020, (Heb)

2016 Anat Barzilai, A review of Keren Gueller's solo show "Florence Syndrome", Calcalist, 19.12.16, Heb

2016 Keren Goldberg, A review of Keren Gueller's solo show "Florence Syndrome", Erev Rav, 19.12.16, Heb

2011 Galia Yahav, A review of Keren Gueller's solo show "Opus 24", Ha'aretz, 21.11.11, Heb

2010 Eli Armon Azoulai, Studio visit, Ha'aretz, 12.11.2010


Private collections